ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ»All 5 10 15 20 25 30 50 100 All Page 14 of 64 Results 261 - 280 of 1279 Titel/NameOrder by: BottleID Name Bottle #305 Crosses This is a fairly simple scene of the crucifixion with 3 wooden crosses and tools representing the crucifixion. The crosses are all made the same way with … Bottle #306 Fort Jackson Cannon This is a small glass bottle with a replica of the Old Fort Jackson Cannon inside. The cannon is gold/brass color and is mounted on a black carriage which … Bottle #307 Mississippi Queen in a Bottle This is the steamship "Mississippi Queen" sailing on a choppy river. The ship is wonderfully detailed throughout. The bottom of the hull is black and … Bottle #308 Prinz Hamlet Hamburg in a Bottle This is a very accurate and detailed model of the passenger ship "Hamburg-Harwich Prinz Hamlet Hamburg." The ship is built up in many layers inside the … Bottle #309 Black Swan 1696 This is a model of the "Black Swan 1696" built in a bottle and mounted on a decorative base with a holder containing a quill eagles feather designed for … Bottle #310 MS Mount Washington This is a model of the M/S Mount Washington built in a bottle. The ship is inserted in the bottle in 4 main sections. The main hull and most of the ship … Bottle #311 Frankfurt Express in a Bottle This is a model of the "Frankfurt Express" from the Hapag-Lloyd lines, Hamburg. The ship was inserted in multiple sections. The bottom of the hull is … Bottle #312 Neptun Basel in a Bottle This is a very accurate and detailed model of a Swiss paddle steamer "Neptun" in operation around the period of 1919 - 1930. The hull is green on the … Bottle #315 Crucifixion with Symbols This is a crucifixion scene of Jesus cut out from an old holy card hanging on a wooden cross. The cross has decoratively carved ends and mounts on a cross … Bottle #316 Altar This is an altar scene built in a bottle. The altar sits on a sectional wood base covered with paper above and below the base. The alter has 2 levels. … Bottle #317 Atalanta This is a picture frame in a bottle with postcards shown on each side. The post cards are framed in a wood dowel type frame. The corners of the frame … Bottle #318 Table This is a model of a table in a Nujol bottle. The table is simply made in natural wood. There are 4 round legs with a thick wood base in two sections … Bottle #320 USS Preble I 1813 This is a model from the series "USS Preble" built by Jack Verducci in 1971. This is the first ship of the series, the 1813 USS Preble, a Sloop-of-War. … Bottle #321 USS Preble II 1839 This is a model from the series "USS Preble" built by Jack Verducci in 1971. This is the second ship of the series, the 1839 USS Preble, a Sloop-of-War. … Bottle #322 USS Preble III 1901 This is a model from the series "USS Preble" built by Jack Verducci in 1971. This is the third ship of the series, the 1901 USS Preble, a Destroyer. The … Bottle #323 USS Preble IV 1920 This is a model from the series "USS Preble" built by Jack Verducci in 1971. This is the fourth ship of the series, the 1920 USS Preble, a Light Minelayer. … Bottle #324 USS Preble V 1959 This is a model from the series "USS Preble" built by Jack Verducci in 1971. This is the fifth ship of the series, the 1959 USS Preble, a Guided Missile … Bottle #325 Closed Fan This is a very attractive and well done model of a carved fan in a bottle. The fan is carved from one piece of wood and has very decorative blades. The … Bottle #326 Jesus and Thieves This is a scene of the crucifixion with the 3 crosses depicted. The crosses are in natural wood with a mortised and tendon crosspiece. Jesus and the … Bottle #328 Carcassone This is a model of the castle "Carcassonne" built in a bottle. The castle is in natural wood with drawn lines to represent stone and other castle features. … Page 14 of 64 Results 261 - 280 of 1279 Start Prev 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Next End