ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ»All 5 10 15 20 25 30 50 100 All Page 6 of 64 Results 101 - 120 of 1279 Titel/NameOrder by: BottleID Name Bottle #367 Ball in Hand Winder This is a model of 3 yarn winders built in a mid 1800's hand-blown bottle with pontil bottom. Every piece is in natural wood and intricately carved … Bottle #565 Baltimore Clipper This is a model of a Baltimore Clipper ship that was based on figures found in a book by Guy DeMarcos. It is a two masted privateer found in late 1700's … Bottle #167 Baltimore Clipper Very well made model of a Baltimore Clipper. The ship is displayed whole hull on a pedestal mount inside the bottle. The bottom of the hull is white and … Bottle #1414 Baptistery of Pisa in a Bottle This is the Baptistery of San Giovanni built in a decorative decanter bottle. This structure, built from maple wood, was assembled from many small individual … Bottle #1417 Barca a Pale in a Bottle "Barca a Pale" is Leonardo da Vinci's Boat built in a bottle. It was made with walnut and arice and is inserted in a 50 cl. bottle. The model is built … Bottle #178 Barcelona Harbor Beautiful model of an original diorama first made in 1900 and now housed in the navigation museum in Barcelona. This is a faithful reproduction made by … Bottle #355 Bark A somewhat strange and folksy scene built inside a light bulb of a ship sailing on a sea of deep blue in front of small village on a hillside. The ship's … Bottle #176 Bark A 3 masted bark sailing on a sea of green. There are 11 cloth sails and good rigging. The hull is red on the bottom and black on the top. The deck has … Bottle #447 Bark This is a two masted Bark sailing on a choppy sea of green. The ship's hull is painted blue and has a thin white line mid-hull. The bow sprit is … Bottle #459 Bark This is a nice model of a Bark sailing on a sea of green with white caps that has turned to a brown color over time. The ship's hull is green on … Bottle #217 Bark A three mast bark sailing on a calm sea of green. The hull is brown with black bulwarks. The deck has two green deck houses (one is loose). There are … Bottle #230 Bark This is a nice model of a Bark sailing on a calm sea of green. The ship has 3 masts and 12 sails and flies the American Flag. The hull is black and there … Bottle #693 Bark -Ilse- in a Bottle This is a model of a three mast Bark named "Isle" sailing on a sea of green with a small red buoy. The Bark has a white hull with green of the bottom. … Bottle #634 Bark -Mary- in a Bottle This vintage piece is hand made in a rather heavy, old bottle. It is a 3 mast Basrk named "MARY". She is sailing on very choppy waters past a village. … Bottle #780 Bark and Sailboat This is a very nice scene of a three masted Bark sailing near a small land mass with a small sailboat along the side. The ship has a black hull with red … Bottle #95 Bark and Schooner A bark and a schooner sailing past a small island. The bark is a 3 mast ship with 20 flying sails. The shrouds are black and the running rigging is white. … Bottle #985 Bark in a Bottle This is a nice model of a Bark sailing on a sea of green. The ship's hull is green on the very bottom and the rest is white on the lower half and black … Bottle #354 Bark in Bulb This is a nicely represented 4 mast Bark built in a light bulb and sailing on a choppy deep blue sea. The ship has a black hull with some white on at … Bottle #248 Bark in Harbor A very nice model of a Ship anchored in a sea of blue in front of a town or village. The ship is a 3 mast Bark with a white hull and a thin blue stripe … Bottle #80 Barkentine Very well made top sail schooner sailing on a sea of green and small waves. The proportions of this model are wonderful with great balance in size of materials … Page 6 of 64 Results 101 - 120 of 1279 Start Prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Next End