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Bottle 441 - Chair
Date Added: 30 August 2006

This bottle has a chair with an woven cloth bottom, wood frame and cloth back inside. The chair is made from pine and is approximately 4" tall. It has round legs with 2 sets of cross rungs between the legs. The back has 2 flat, curved slates between the uprights and the slats are covered with a blue cloth throw-like piece of fabric. The seat is cross weaved with an ivory colored fabric approximately 1/4" wide. There is a hole in the center of the cap. The Glass top inside the area coved by the lid has a big chip. The bottle has "Hinds, Honey and Almond Cream, A.S. Hinds Co, Bloomfield, NJ USA" on one side and "A.S. Hinds Co." on the bottom. It is sealed with a yellow, metal screw cap. This bottle dates from 1920. Hinds Honey and Almond Cream was for the Face, hands, Skin and Complexion and prepared by A. S. Hinds Co. Portland Maine. Widely advertised in 1922.
Type: Chair   Maker's Name:
Category: Furniture   Made Where:
Bottle Size: 6 1/4" x 2 1/2"   Year Made: 1920 - 1925
Bottle Type: Hinds, Honey & Almond Cream